Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Everything is going pretty well with round 2 of Botox so far. It has been nearly 2 months and it seems to still be working. About a week ago there were some irregularities that made me think that it had worn off (enough that I started the process of scheduling round 3 for the end of next month) but everything seems to be working pretty well again. We haven't been successful in getting Landon off Flagyl this time around. We are getting ready to wean him off and try again starting next week.

Landon still takes 15 mg of Senna (one Exlax square) along with Klaire Labs Therbiotic Complete probiotic (adult dose), one capsule of S. Boulardii, a gentle iron supplement, multivitamin, and extra fiber with built in probiotic support. We no longer see the natural medicine specialist due to the cost and very little observable difference now that things are working more smoothly with the Botox injections.

We are still very careful about what Landon eats. Constipation doesn't seem to be an issue, more of the opposite. Laxative foods tend to run right through him and so we are now limiting most of the foods that Landon originally was living off of. He drinks 2-3 Pediasures a day for nutritional support and extra calories, which for right now is all he drinks aside from an occasional sip of water. Fruits and vegetables are the most difficult foods to get in because they often pass undigested and cause mild obstructions- which thankfully at this point we have been able to dislodge during rectal irrigations. Landon can eat peaches, apple, carrots, and sweet potato.. as of right now that's it. It's unfortunate because he is a very good veggie eater, but we have had some close calls with everything else. We have been lucky that Landon does fine with small to moderate amounts of cheese (which I love and add to most dishes that I make in some form!) He eats everything I serve for dinner which includes chili without beans, various pasta dishes made with pasta with extra fiber, meatloaf, chicken breasts, and sloppy joes on whole wheat buns. Other foods that he does well with are scrambled eggs, Applegate chicken sausage, plain Almond yogurt, peach-applesauce, thin-sliced deli turkey, and any kind of chicken- but especially nuggets and tenders. We go on Monday for a check-up with his pediatrician to confirm this, but Landon appears to be growing and gaining weight very well. At 16 months old he is outgrowing 18 month clothing.

We are doing one rectal irrigation per day. We do this before bed every night. Landon tolerates this very well and isn't at all bothered by it, despite how terribly invasive it is. My first goal is to get him off daily antibiotics for good before we worry about discontinuing the irrigations. If he doesn't come off of the Flagyl this time, I want to discuss either trying a super low maintanence dose or possibly giving Rifaximin another shot. We are approaching the one year anniversary of Landon's pull-thru surgery and so things should be regulating as much as they will within the next few months. Thoughts and prayers are always appreciated!

I'll leave you today with a picture of Landon at the park yesterday with his brothers. He loved this ride and although I was afraid he was going to get a brain injury and/or broken bones, his brothers couldn't make it go fast enough for him!