Sunday, April 14, 2013

Exciting News

Hello everyone! I'm happy to say I have all kinds of exciting news to share. First of all, we have a crawler! Three days after he turned 9 months old, Landon took off crawling. He loves to chase his brothers and to explore the house. He especially loves going in rooms that he is not supposed to be in (kitchen, bathroom...). Time to bring back out the baby gates!

Next is an update on the visit with Dr. Davis. She took a detailed health history and recommended that we do a nutrition urine analysis and Genova stool study. Both have been submitted, but we don't have results yet. We will be going back up for a follow-up visit at the end of May to discuss the results and if and how it will affect the treatment plan. To make a long story short, she agreed with me on the major points. She also felt that the flora in Landon's intestines is severely disrupted (which the stool study should confirm how and to what degree) and also that if we don't change the plan nothing will change trying to take him off of the Flagyl again in mid-May.

So we now have what I wanted- a new plan. Dr. Davis agreed to work with Dr. Levitt's recommendations from Cincinnati with continuing the maintanence Flagyl until the middle of May and then trying to wean off of it. She also put Landon on a lot of supplements.

Here is what all Landon is taking daily:
Digestive Enzymes- Gastro Calm 4 caps daily
Sacro B. 3 caps daily (over 9 billion CFUs)
Artic Cod Liver Oil 2 tsp. daily
HMF Replete Probiotics 1 packet daily (150 billion CFUs)
TruFiber 1 1/2 scoops daily
Gen Intrinsic 20 drops daily
Artemesia Int 40 drops daily
RegenRX Small Intestine 40 drops daily
The dosages are divided up so that he is taking 1/3 of the daily dose of all of the above in the morning, afternoon, and evening. I want to add a disclaimer that these are super high doses well above what most adults are recommended to take and that no one should give these doses to a child (or especially a baby!) without first consulting a doctor. But with that said, all of these supplements are working very well. Landon is staying cleaned out and it has drastically shortened the duration and amount of sodium chloride solution that we are using each irrigation. We are experimenting now with dropping the afternoon irrigation and only doing one in the morning and one in the evening. Keep your fingers crossed that this is successful because it would make life a lot easier, especially now that the boys have started gymnastics and Carson is starting t-ball.
A lot of people have asked how it's going with the donated milk. It is going really well! We have 5 ladies that have donated on a regular basis, and many others that have donated large quantities. Even those that have donated a few spare bags have helped tremendously. We have enough coming in that for over a month now Landon has not had to have formula. He eats pureed fruits and veggies and about 30 ounces of milk per day. If we stay on track with bringing in the milk, I'm really comfortable that we are going to make it until he is 12 months. If we could go beyond that it would be wonderful, but 12 months old is the goal. I'm not sure yet what he will drink once he transitions to something new. Almond milk or coconut milk seem to be the top contenders, but neither provide very many calories- which could be problematic with Landon's off and on struggle to gain weight.
My older boys are refusing to nap and terrorizing my mom's house as we speak, and so this is going to have to be all that I post for now. I hope everyone is able to get out and enjoy the weather now that it finally feels like spring!

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