Well, everything has pretty much taken a 180 degree turn since my last update. I received an expected phone call with very unexpected news last Monday. The biopsies of Landon's colon DID contain ganglion cells. Dr. Bernabe said that she wasn't comfortable removing what appears to be good colon that for whatever reason isn't working. She said that she could offer us Botox injections, but wasn't sure if that would help.
I contacted our nurse at Cincinnati to let her know what was going on and Dr. Levitt emailed me back. He said that he wanted to do a rectal exam under anesthesia with a sigmoidoscopy and possible upper GI endoscopy. We began the process of getting preauthorization from our insurance company and were prepared to wait until at least the end of the month before an opening would be available.
Next came another surprise when the nurse called on Thursday and said that they had an opening on Monday (today.) Then, an hour later called back and asked that we go up the next day for some testing beforehand. Fortunately, my stepdad was able to make the trip with all 3 of the boys and I. We made a round-trip in one day, and so way too much driving with way too many small children. It ending up being worth it to shed some light on the situation.
On Friday, we went down to radiology and had a variation of the contrast study done. They inserted the solution differently and took views from additional angles. Dr. Levitt felt that the narrowing that appeared was inflamation from enterocolitis, not colon that wasn't functioning. To be honest, I'm so exhausted, frustrated, emotional- you name it- that I pushed for doing an ileostomy and getting Landon healthy and his bowels healed. Dr. Levitt respected my wishes, but managed to talk me out of it. He convinced me that trying botox first could be the way to go to see if relaxing Landon's sphincter helps move things along. He left open the possibility that the ileostomy might still happen depending on what condition his colon was in once they took a look inside.
Last night, John, Landon, and I came back up prepared to stay up to a week with the possibility of being able to do everything outpatient and coming back home today. I'm happy to say that everything turned out best case scenario- upper GI endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and rectal exam all three were perfect. Dr. Levitt gave Landon 4 botox injections and we were happy to be out the door in under 4 hours. Now we wait a few days to see if the Botox works. If it does, then we will repeat it about every 3 months as long as necessary. If it doesn't work, then we will go back to our discussion on the ileostomy. We are also awaiting results of a some biopsies taken of the small intestine which are expected to be normal. I'll update when I get a chance on how everything goes.
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